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Be Your Own Visionary

There is no doubt that we are in a time of monumental change. Banking experts and government leaders are paving the way for a new tomorrow, many of us hope. However, what we need are new voices, new visionaries. All we have to do is look in the mirror. Who knows what any of us might be able to add to the mix? Thought leaders, such as Albert Einstein, have throughout the ages understood that we cannot solve the problems of today using the perspectives that created them. It is time for those who have been quietly keeping to themselves or the ones who have long gone unnoticed by popular culture to step out of the shadows and infuse the main stream with a new energy and consciousness. This wonderfully creative process can start with each one of us, being visionaries for ourselves.

Perhaps you have been wanting to do things differently. Take a few minutes. Make some quiet time for yourself or go above and beyond and focus in the midst of chaos. Let that desire for change sink in. From its depths allow the ideas that are unique to who you are and your experiences to spring forth. Innovative visionaries such as Paul Hawken, Peter Senge, and Jacob Needleman have for decades espoused the ideals that can help each individual create collective, positive change. Their work is aligned with the burgeoning green movement. It has been happening one person at a time. Men and women, young and old, and people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds hold the key to creating a sustainable Earth. Listen to your own voice. Be courageous enough to share your thoughts with others, as the men listed above have done. They have taken up the challenge. What valuable insight can you add to the times of today? Perhaps you can add a feminine perspective? Do you have some great ideas on how to breathe new life into your rural hometown’s economy, or would you like to create new ways to support change through inner-city programs?

Paul Hawken, co-founder of the company Smith & Hawken, wrote Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution, calling for industry and government to transform the way we do business now by using biological and social frameworks to inform our decisions, which is a key part of going green. Peter Senge wrote The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, positing that businesses are dynamic learning organizations. As companies re-create themselves for a new era, this understanding will be crucial. While Jacob Needleman has authored numerous books including The American Soul, which among other interesting ideas describes how the uniqueness of the American spirit can guide us to greater awareness and transformation. These visionaries know that they have not gone it alone. They observed the world around them. Took into account their own needs, values, and desires as well as those of their communities and created seeds of change. What have you observed? What do you need? In this time of deep reflection, listen to your heart and articulate your vision with your own voice. Then, be sure to share it with the world!

Lorraine Lyman, MS, is the founder of Savvy Success Unlimited, (, and the author of several papers on global sustainability, consciousness, and community. A business and life coaching company, Savvy Success Unlimited, specializes in the organizational embodiment of the green movement’s values and practices as well as using our inner strength to transform the world around us.


  1. This is a very motivating piece. I believe everyone has a brilliance within that is kept under wraps due to fear. Fear of failure, criticism, hard work and for some a fear of success. Not success in terms of "I have a million dollar idea," but in terms of, "I have something to contribute to my neighbor, community , country or world," and I will make this contribution...period. In our latest era of technology, it is so much easier to develop and communicate our ideas. One simply has to take the time to slow down and pause to reflect on what needs to be expressed and articulate that expression in a way that is well received.

    Peace and Love to you and thank you for the motivation!

  2. What you are trying to provide for an individual or business seems like a much needed piece in time of a global economic down turn. As an individual and a business person, I found your idea to be quite fascinating. This is because I've felt that we don't really use what we have been given effectively in this world to succeed in life or business. May be it is time to investigate the real possibility out there (in there as well).
    I would love to know more about it.
    Thank you

  3. Thank you Lorraine for your positive and motivational words! We seem to be living in a time when lifestyles and values are dictated to us, rather than each of us developing our own individual identity and path. Your services are much needed in today's world, both in life coaching and in developing a more sustainable world.

  4. These words are inspirational and need to be heard by the multitude. Your outlook will help other overcome the negative, worldly ambitions and replace it with a sense of hope and aspiration. Keep up the work, you're on the road to success. TM

  5. You have a unique way of coaxing the untapped resources among us. Many people do not see their strengths, and you invite them to look. You awaken all our spirits. Thank you for continuing to share it with me :)

  6. Seeds of change indeed, I've returned to my green thumb recently and hope to have a successful rooftop organic herb garden this summer-compost sand all. i believe part of our hesitation in pursuing our full potential may be timing. From my own experiences, there are moments of clarity where I have pursued the right path and other times where it was nearly impossible. The trick is to try at any opportunity to press forward and create your chance to make a difference. I encourage the kind of reflective time and thinking that you speak of and hope that others will, in time, come to see their own strengths as possible agents of change.

  7. Denise A. Donaway, MAApril 13, 2009 at 3:37 PM

    Know more...
    Say more...
    Think more...
    Believe more...
    Expect more...
    Give more...
    Lorraine, this an excellent approach to utilizing your education while connecting people, business, and ones true core self. This is wonderful and innovated. In today's business/personal lifestyle, innovation is the key to success. I would love to stay in the loop. Thanks much. "Only the best for the best".

  8. We do indeed need new voices, and not (as the old paradigm would have it) new fixes or methods so much. I hope people who read your words will be challenged to resist getting slotted into some pre-existing job (that will vanish anyway) and really feel into what calls and inspires them, what dreams them forward. Do that and the means of support will follow.

  9. Innovate, participate and resonate. Thanks for the savvy voice. Keep on.

  10. A well written and informative blog that I will continue to follow. Kudos for following your dream and bringing enlightenment and hope to those that need your assistance to follow theirs!

  11. Beautifullt thought out. I like the perspective that those of us who have not been in the forefront of radical change in the past can now come forward and offer a perspective guiding the change we see around us.

  12. Dear Anonymous Motivator,

    Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom. I am in full agreement with you that everyone is brilliant. Facing our fears and finding truth in criticisms can serve us and make us stronger. Not to mention, how reflection and articulation helps ourselves and the world understand who we are.

    Thanks again!

  13. Hi Joy,

    Thank you for your feedback. I am hoping that this is a place where we can gather to learn and discuss how we might use our natural resources more efficiently, in life and in business, as the two really are one.

    I'll keep you posted!!

  14. Hebah, Rachel, and TM, thank you for your support and the call to use hope and positive motivation to be who we are based on what we know about ourselves!

  15. Hi Craig!

    Yes, indeed. I hope that people choose a true vocation for themselves, that alone would create a great world movement!


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